General Information

Once You Reach Kenora
Drive to Musky Point Marina, 232 Water Street, Kenora. It’s located next to the O.P.P. (Ontario Provincial Police) station. Our camp launch will meet you at this dock. We will unload your gear and then you can follow our van to the free parking facility. Our van will then transport you back to the dock for your boat trip to camp.
Check-In Time:
Crow Rock Lodge and Sunset Point will be 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. at Musky Point Marina. Please call the camp one hour or more prior to arrival in Kenora for boat pickup, (807) 500-1008 or 1-800-547-3474. Unscheduled pick-ups will be extra.
Flying – You can fly into International Falls, Minnesota or Winnipeg, Manitoba. We recommend contacting Brian Sandercock @ Northwest Limousine (807) 467-7075 or or rent a car from either location. Driving distance is 120 miles from either city.
Deposits and Method of Payment
Deposit is $500 per person (Refundable on 90 days’ Notice of Cancellation of Trip Date)
Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Personal Check, Cash or Travelers Checks.
No refunds on your package trip if you decide to leave earlier than scheduled.
Conservation Program
Our rates are based on our catch and release plan, which means no take home fish and only smaller fish for shorelunch purposes. If you wish to take fish home add 10% to the above packages.
Ontario Fishing Licenses
Visit our Ontario Fishing Licenses page for more information »
Fishing Guides – Remote Lakes
Our guides are experienced and have been with us for many years. We strongly recommend using a guide when fishing Lake of the Woods. You also have your choice of fishing 7 remote lakes during your stay at no extra charge. Since these lakes are relatively small, guides are not necessary. We can transport you from the lodge to the head of the portage and pick you up the same day in time for dinner. Detailed maps of each lake are available. See page on remote lakes page for more details.
For Seniors or People with Slight Mobility Issues
Our property site is semi- low profile, so walking from the main dock to the lodge or cabins is relatively level ground. This makes easy walking for seniors or people with slight mobility issues to get around the lodge. In addition, if you do need assistance from the dock to your cabin or lodge, we can transport you with the lodge golf cart.
Mosquitoes, Black Flies, Etc.
The number one question we get from new guests is “when is the black fly season”? Fortunately, we are not that far into Canada and don’t get a bad black fly season. The further North you go the worse they get. Because of all the islands consisting of rock and clay we also don’t have a bad mosquito problem either. In the spring and early summer expect mosquitoes if you’re out near dusk or portaging into our remote walk-in lakes. If we have some extreme warm spells in the summer expect some deer or horse flies during those periods. We do advise that you bring a bug repellent for those minor occurrences.